Your Health Vibes with Elana
"LIVE" WGSN-DB Going Solo Network
FaceBook & YouTube
Bi-Weekly Thursdays @ 9:00 am PT/11:00 am CT/12:00 pm ET
Elana Feldman
Your Health Vibes with Elana
Long Beach, CA
Advance Cancer Exercise Specialist,
Aqua Aerobics, Chair, Yoga, Balance, Stability, Oncology Reiki, Fall Prevention Educator

Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today!
She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting.
For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be...to live their lives to the fullest!
Join Elana, bring your VIBES to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you can be...
Heart, Body, Mind & Soul!

Elana Feldman
Your Health Vibes with Elana
Advance Cancer Exercise Specialist, Aqua Aerobics, Chair, Yoga, Balance, Stability, Oncology Reiki, Fall Prevention Educator
Email: ef11ca@gmail.com
Telephone: 562-235-8410
ASK Elana, Your Health Vibes Coach - Be sure to send an email to Elana directly with any questions and comments and confidently she will answer on one of her great shows. Just click the button....